Power Instinct 2 1994 Atlus
Power Instinct 2 (c) 1994 Atlus.
The Gougetsuji clan of Kurokos had finally found a new master after Otane Gougetsuji finally defeated the former leader, her older sister Oume. Unfortunately Otane has now dissapeared! So a new tournament is called out in order to quickly find a new clan leader. All the fighters from the first tournament have returned as well as some eager (... and strange!) newcommers. Featuring some of the funniest parodies of famous fighting games, a cool soundtrack an tons of new moves making it a way better game than its predecessor, there is no doubt that only the strongest will survive this battle!
Cave 1st Generation Hardware
Main CPU : MC68000 (@ 16 Mhz)
Sound CPU : Z80 [Optional]
Sound Chips : YMZ280B (@ 16.9344 Mhz) or OKIM6295 x (1 or 2) + YM2203 / YM2151 [Optional]
Other : 93C46 EEPROM
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 320 x 240 pixels
Screen refresh : 57.55 Hz
Palette colors : 10240
Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 4
Released in April 1994.
Licensed to Cave.
This game is known in Japan as 'Gouketsuji Ichizoku 2', and mostly known by the name 'Atlus 2' (the creator company's name) instead of its original name.
The character Kurara is obviously a parody of the typical magic girl trend in Anime and Manga started with Mahou No Princess Minky Momo, Kurara has Momo's transformation from a little girl to a teenager; she is also a parody to the second series of Minky Momo as she is also from an underwater kingdom. Her voice actress is Kotono Mitsuishi, who happens to be the same one that voiced Sailor Moon, yet another popular magic girl. 'Kurara''s good transcription is 'Clara'. She also has her own arcade game : 'Purikura Daisakusen' (Note : Princess=PURInsesu, Clara=KURAra, PURInsesu+KURAra=Purikura) - Japanese love abbreviations.
1. Power Instinct - Gouketsuji Ichizoku (1993)
2. Power Instinct 2 (1994)
3. Power Instinct Legends (1995)
4. Power Instinct 3 - Groove on Fight (1997)
5. Power Instinct Matrimelee (2002)
6. Power Instinct - The Commemoration (2009)
Producer : Tama
Sub producer : Chuuko
Main programmers : Mako MKIISR, Shuhta.Garyuh ?!, >Nari Chan
Sub programmers : Toshiya, Jake
Sound : Dencyu
Object designers : M. Masada, Yie-Yan-II, Pa Pi Pu Pe, N.I-1486-7, Man Man-Chan, Haruko Chan, Pochi, Suzuki
Scroll designers : Moto. I, Araki-Dorifu, Range, Asaki, naru, Monko, Yu-Ki, Chuuko, Mid
Planners : Super-K!, Markey, Helen
Voices : Mitsuishi Kotono, Ryusei Yaro Aihara, Chuuko, Pa Pi Pu Pe, Dencyu
* Song :
Namidano(...) : Ruu & Markey
Give me Money : Dirty Rouge
Otoko No Karatemichi : Oyama Reiji Ohendan
Hajimete No Ai : Katsura
Kechabian : Sahadoke No Minasan
Warugaki Yochien Enka : Warugaki Kids & Teacher
Amiyai No Yoru : Amiyai No Minasan
Mahou Mitaina Koi Shitai : Mikazuki Kurumi
Bozude Dadada : Bozu Flower Dancers
* Consoles :
Sony PlayStation (1996)
Game's rom.