Golden Axe II [Mega-Tech 57] 1991 Sega
Golden Axe II [Mega-Tech 57] (c) 1991 Sega.
Not long after the malign reign of the Death Adder has ended, another evil rises. The peace of the land has again been threatened, this time by 'Dark Guld', who was supposed to be imprisoned but apparently is not. He has instead now gotten his hands on the Golden Axe, and is using it for his own nasty purposes, and with his minions is causing much chaos.
So once more, Ax-Battler, the fierce barbarian; Tyris-Flare, the fearless Amazon; Gilius Thunderhead, the ferocious dwarf, rise up to deal with the oppression, with their might and magic, and recover the Golden Axe.
Cabinet dimensions :
Width : 53 cm.
Depth : 76 cm.
Height : 176 cm.
Weight : 113 Kg.
Sega Mega-Tech hardware
Game ID : Mega-Tech No. 57
Main CPU : 68000 (@ 7.670442 Mhz), (2x) Z80 (@ 3.57954 Mhz)
Sound Chips : YM3438 (@ 7.670442 Mhz), (2x) SN76496 (@ 3.57954 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 320 x 416 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 96
Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 3
Released in December 1991.
Wave Master released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Golden Axe The Music - WM-0595~7) on 21/02/2008 containing music from the original arcade and Sega Mega Drive/Genesis series.
Mega-Tech System list of games :
[Mega-Tech 01] Altered Beast
[Mega-Tech 02] Space Harrier II
[Mega-Tech 03] Super Thunder Blade
[Mega-Tech 04] Great Golf
[Mega-Tech 05] Great Soccer
[Mega-Tech 06] Out Run
[Mega-Tech 07] Alien Syndrome
[Mega-Tech 08] Shinobi
[Mega-Tech 09] ???
[Mega-Tech 10] After Burner
[Mega-Tech 11] Thunder Force II MD
[Mega-Tech 12] ???
[Mega-Tech 13] Astro Warrior
[Mega-Tech 14] ???
[Mega-Tech 15] ???
[Mega-Tech 16] ???
[Mega-Tech 17] ???
[Mega-Tech 18] ???
[Mega-Tech 19] ???
[Mega-Tech 20] Last Battle - Legend of the Final Hero
[Mega-Tech 21] World Championship Soccer
[Mega-Tech 22] Tetris
[Mega-Tech 23] Ghouls'n Ghosts
[Mega-Tech 24] Super Hang-On
[Mega-Tech 25] Golden Axe
[Mega-Tech 26] Forgotten Worlds
[Mega-Tech 27] Mystic Defender
[Mega-Tech 28] The Revenge of Shinobi
[Mega-Tech 29] Parlour Games
[Mega-Tech 31] Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf
[Mega-Tech 32] Super Real Basketball
[Mega-Tech 33] ???
[Mega-Tech 34] ???
[Mega-Tech 35] Tommy Lasorda Baseball
[Mega-Tech 36] Columns
[Mega-Tech 37] ???
[Mega-Tech 38] E-SWAT Cyber Police - Enhanced Special Weapons and Tactics
[Mega-Tech 39] Super Monaco GP
[Mega-Tech 40] Moonwalker
[Mega-Tech 41] Crack Down
[Mega-Tech 42] ???
[Mega-Tech 43] Shadow Dancer
[Mega-Tech 44] Arrow Flash
[Mega-Tech 45] ???
[Mega-Tech 46] ???
[Mega-Tech 47] Alien Storm
[Mega-Tech 48] Wrestle War
[Mega-Tech 49] Bonanza Bros.
[Mega-Tech 50] ???
[Mega-Tech 51] Streets of Rage
[Mega-Tech 52] Sonic The Hedgehog
[Mega-Tech 53] Fire Shark
[Mega-Tech 54] ???
[Mega-Tech 55] ???
[Mega-Tech 56] ???
[Mega-Tech 57] Golden Axe II
[Mega-Tech 58] Joe Montana II - Sports Talk Football
[Mega-Tech 59] Mario Lemieux Hockey
[Mega-Tech 60] Kid Chameleon
[Mega-Tech 61] ???
[Mega-Tech 62] Sonic The Hedgehog 2
* Level Select : while the opening screen scrolls, simultaneously hold A+B+C+Start.
Still holding A, release B+C and press them again.
This will bring you to the options screen.
Still holding A, release B+C, select 'exit' and press B+C once more.
You'll be back at the main menu.
Still holding A, release B+C and hit them again to choose the number of players.
Keep all the buttons down and press Start.
Release only Start, select your character, then still holding down A+B+C, press Up and hit Start.
You can now select the level you want to play.
* Full Magic : go to the options screen and select the 'Special Magic' option.
Begin game play and Hold A when the music for the Bosses on levels 1 to 4 begins to play.
Defeat the Boss while holding A.
Release the button when the screen turns black and your character is transported to the bonus level.
Do not press any buttons or move the D-pad.
When the next level begins, player one will cast a spell that will increase the magic points to 255 (Note : Do not use more magic points that what your character normally is allowed to use.Doing so will freeze the game).
1. Golden Axe (1989)
2. Golden Axe Warrior (1990, Sega Master System)
3. Ax Battler - A Legend of Golden Axe (1991, Sega Game Gear)
4. Golden Axe II (1991)
5. Golden Axe - The Revenge of Death Adder (1992)
6. Golden Axe III (1993, Sega Mega Drive)
7. Golden Axe - The Duel (1995)
8. Golden Axe - Beast Rider (2008, PS3 /XBOX 360)
* Consoles :
Sega Mega Drive (1991)
Sony PlayStation 2 (2006, 'Genesis Collection')
Sony PSP (2006, 'Genesis Collection')
Nintendo Wii (2007, 'Virtual Console')
Game's rom.
Machine's picture.