Golden Axe [Mega-Tech 25] 1990 Sega
Golden Axe [Mega-Tech 25] (c) 1990 Sega.
1 to 3 warriors take up arms to save the King from the evil Death Adder. The 3 different player characters are an Amazonian warrior, a barbarian hero and a viking dwarf. Each hero uses a different kind of magic : the barbarian uses earth magic, the amazon uses fire magic and the viking dwarf uses lightning magic. In addition : each player character also carried a different weapon : the amazonian warrior and the barbarian both use swords while the viking dwarf uses the Golden Axe itself.
Cabinet dimensions :
Width : 53 cm.
Depth : 76 cm.
Height : 176 cm.
Weight : 113 Kg.
Sega Mega-Tech hardware
Game ID : Mega-Tech No. 25
Main CPU : 68000 (@ 7.670442 Mhz), (2x) Z80 (@ 3.57954 Mhz)
Sound Chips : YM3438 (@ 7.670442 Mhz), (2x) SN76496 (@ 3.57954 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 320 x 416 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 96
Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 3
Wave Master released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Golden Axe The Music - WM-0595~7) on 21/02/2008 containing music from the original arcade and Sega Mega Drive/Genesis series.
Mega-Tech System list of games :
[Mega-Tech 01] Altered Beast
[Mega-Tech 02] Space Harrier II
[Mega-Tech 03] Super Thunder Blade
[Mega-Tech 04] Great Golf
[Mega-Tech 05] Great Soccer
[Mega-Tech 06] Out Run
[Mega-Tech 07] Alien Syndrome
[Mega-Tech 08] Shinobi
[Mega-Tech 09] ???
[Mega-Tech 10] After Burner
[Mega-Tech 11] Thunder Force II MD
[Mega-Tech 12] ???
[Mega-Tech 13] Astro Warrior
[Mega-Tech 14] ???
[Mega-Tech 15] ???
[Mega-Tech 16] ???
[Mega-Tech 17] ???
[Mega-Tech 18] ???
[Mega-Tech 19] ???
[Mega-Tech 20] Last Battle - Legend of the Final Hero
[Mega-Tech 21] World Championship Soccer
[Mega-Tech 22] Tetris
[Mega-Tech 23] Ghouls'n Ghosts
[Mega-Tech 24] Super Hang-On
[Mega-Tech 25] Golden Axe
[Mega-Tech 26] Forgotten Worlds
[Mega-Tech 27] Mystic Defender
[Mega-Tech 28] The Revenge of Shinobi
[Mega-Tech 29] Parlour Games
[Mega-Tech 31] Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf
[Mega-Tech 32] Super Real Basketball
[Mega-Tech 33] ???
[Mega-Tech 34] ???
[Mega-Tech 35] Tommy Lasorda Baseball
[Mega-Tech 36] Columns
[Mega-Tech 37] ???
[Mega-Tech 38] E-SWAT Cyber Police - Enhanced Special Weapons and Tactics
[Mega-Tech 39] Super Monaco GP
[Mega-Tech 40] Moonwalker
[Mega-Tech 41] Crack Down
[Mega-Tech 42] ???
[Mega-Tech 43] Shadow Dancer
[Mega-Tech 44] Arrow Flash
[Mega-Tech 45] ???
[Mega-Tech 46] ???
[Mega-Tech 47] Alien Storm
[Mega-Tech 48] Wrestle War
[Mega-Tech 49] Bonanza Bros.
[Mega-Tech 50] ???
[Mega-Tech 51] Streets of Rage
[Mega-Tech 52] Sonic The Hedgehog
[Mega-Tech 53] Fire Shark
[Mega-Tech 54] ???
[Mega-Tech 55] ???
[Mega-Tech 56] ???
[Mega-Tech 57] Golden Axe II
[Mega-Tech 58] Joe Montana II - Sports Talk Football
[Mega-Tech 59] Mario Lemieux Hockey
[Mega-Tech 60] Kid Chameleon
[Mega-Tech 61] ???
[Mega-Tech 62] Sonic The Hedgehog 2
* Level Select : Select arcade mode. Hold Downleft+B and press Start at the character selection screen. A number that corresponds to the starting level will appear in the upper left corner of the screen. Use the D-pad to change it to the level you want.
* 9 Continues : At the character select screen, hold Downleft+A+C. Release and press Start.
1. Golden Axe (1989)
2. Golden Axe Warrior (1990, Sega Master System)
3. Ax Battler - A Legend of Golden Axe (1991, Sega Game Gear)
4. Golden Axe II (1991)
5. Golden Axe - The Revenge of Death Adder (1992)
6. Golden Axe III (1993, Sega Mega Drive)
7. Golden Axe - The Duel (1995)
8. Golden Axe - Beast Rider (2008, PS3 /XBOX 360)
Software designers : Takosuke, Moto Cbx1000, Ham Tak, Waka
Visual effects : Kyonsy Kyonsy, Cane, Chisuke, Roco
Sound : Nankyoku, Decky, Imocky
Assistant programmers : S2, Yang Watt, Vinyl Boy
Producer : Kan
Director : Bros 400
Assistant director : Opa-Opa
English messages : Niya, Tsugu
* Consoles :
Sega Mega Drive (1995, '6-PAK')
Nintendo Wii (2006, 'Virtual Console')
* Computers :
Commodore C64 (1991, '2 Hot 2 Handle')
Commodore Amiga (1991, '2 Hot 2 Handle')
Game's rom.
Machine's picture.