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Final Lap R 1993 Namco


Final Lap R (c) 1993 Namco.
The last game in Namco's seminal F1 series, which began eleven years' earlier with 1982's 'Pole Position'. Final Lap R features the same loose handling and demanding game-play of its predecessors, but has the obligatory improved graphics, due to the more powerful host hardware. The game offers players a choice of four race tracks :
1. Germany
2. Brazil
3. Hungary
4. Belgium

Namco System FL hardware
Game ID : FLR
Main CPU : i960KB (@ 20 Mhz), M37702 (@ 16.384 Mhz)
Sound Chips : C352 (@ 16.384 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 288 x 224 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 8192
Players : 2
Controls : Steering wheel, gear shifter (High/Low)
Pedals : Accelerator and brake

Even if titlescreen says 1993, Final Lap R was released in February 1994 in Japan.

1. Pole Position [Upright model] (1982)
1. Pole Position [Cockpit model] (1982)
2. Pole Position II (1983)
3. Final Lap (1987)
4. Final Lap UR (1988)
5. Final Lap Twin (1989, NEC PC-Engine)
6. Final Lap 2 (1990)
7. Final Lap 3 (1992)
8. Final Lap R (1993)
9. Final Lap 2000 (2000, Bandai WonderSwan)
10. Final Lap Special (2001, Bandai WonderSwan Color)

Game's rom.
Machine's picture.

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