Cook Race 1982
Cook Race (c) 1982.
Help chef Peter Pepper race the maze to collect patties, cheese, lettuce and buns. Destroy the pursuing Mr. Hot Dog, Mr. Egg and Mr. Pickle for bonus points. Complete four burgers and you will feast on even more challenging mazes, build more burgers and score the biggest Cook Race score ever!
Main CPU : M6502 (@ 1.5 Mhz)
Sound CPU : M6502 (@ 500 Khz)
Sound Chips : (2x) AY8910 (@ 1.5 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Vertical
Video resolution : 240 x 240 pixels
Screen refresh : 57.00 Hz
Palette colors : 16
Players : 2
Control : 4-way joystick
Buttons : 2
This game is a version of 'Burger Time'.
Ever wondered why one of the evil guys is an egg? In Japan where the game was made, it is common to add a fried egg to your burger.
The highscore table has different names than the original.
The levels appear in a different order from the original : 1, 5, 2, 3, 4, 6.
Stacking a burger ingredient : 50 points per ingredient
Crushing Hot Dog : 100 points
Crushing Pickle : 200 points
Crushing Egg : 300 points
Collecting Ice Cream : 500 points
Collecting Coffee : 1,000 points
Collecting Fries : 1,500 points
Dropping Ingredient with 1 enemy on top : 500 points
Dropping Ingredient with 2 enemies on top : 1,000 points
Dropping Ingredient with 3 enemies on top : 2,000 points
Dropping Ingredient with 4 enemies on top : 4,000 points
Dropping Ingredient with 5 enemies on top : 8,000 points
Dropping Ingredient with 6 enemies on top : 16,000 points
and so on...
* 'Mad Dash' : J.D. Lowe, the current world record holder adds some suggestions... Something that very few players use is something I call 'Mad Dash'. If you watch as the chef is drawn on the screen, he walks up/down ladders at approx. 8 steps a second. So, in theory, if you can press the up and down arrows faster than 8 times a second, you can go faster. This is very helpful on later levels like Level 20. This does not work on going left and right, because the steps are smaller, and the computer has to draw the chef facing you again if you let go of the controller. It's a bit complicated, but like I said earlier, it can be very helpful.
* Peppers Appearances : the peppers do not appear randomly on the screen; in fact, they appear after so many ingredients have fallen to the bottom of the screen...
Level 1 - Peppers appear after 4, 8, and 12 ingredients have dropped.
Level 2 - After 3, 6, and 9 ingredients.
Level 3 - 5, 7, and 13.
Level 4 - 4, 8, and 13.
Level 5 - 6, 16, 22, 29.
Level 6 - 3, 7, 12, 14.
* Hint 1 : enemies can't turn around immediately, so you can follow them around temporarily.
* Hint 2 : the best tactic is generally to stand halfway across a piece of food, wait for enemies to appear on the food's edge, and then drop the food and enemies at once. Always lure the enemies onto the highest portion of the screen, and then drop them. This has several advantages : it clears more burger pieces, plus it means that units on lower levels may wander into the cascading pieces, killing them also.
* Hint 3 : leave LOTS of room around yourself when going up ladders - the sprites in Burger Time are somewhat bigger than the visible characters.
* Hint 4 : when enemies first appear, you have 1/4 sec to go through them, if you need to.
* IMPORTANT : if you get caught while the last piece of food is falling into place, the game will NOT deduct a life from your game!
Game's rom.