10-Yard Fight 1983 Irem
10-Yard Fight (c) 1983 Irem.
An American football game. Each level starts on the kick-off with the player carrying the ball as far up the field as possible before being tackled. Then, as the quarterback, you can either run or pass the ball to a receiver. An intercepted pass earns a penalty of 20 yards. Running out of bounds stops the clock. Extra points after touchdowns can either be kicked or run into the end zone.
Irem M-52 hardware
Main CPU : Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)
Sound CPU : M6803 (@ 894.886 Khz)
Sound Chips : (2x) AY8910 (@ 894.886 Khz), (2x) MSM5205 (@ 384 Khz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 256 x 240 pixels
Screen refresh : 57.00 Hz
Palette colors : 528
Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 2
Released in December 1983.
10-Yard Fight is the first slightly realistic American football game released.
Default high-score ('Best Players'):
1 36500----BMB
2 34900----RAD
3 33100----P.P
4 31700----FAL
5 29900----ZIB
6 28300----TOZ
7 27100----LWP
8 25700----JUF
9 24500----TCZ
10 22900----TCR
Mike Macy of Salina, Kansas, holds the official record for this game with 295,100 points on June 28, 1986.
Each second you have the ball : 50 points
A completed forward pass : 1000 points
Points for first downs :
On 1st : 1000 points
On 2nd : 500 points
On 3rd : 300 points
On 4th : 100 points
A successful extra point kick : 1000 points
A successful extra point run : 3000 points
Return a kickoff for a touchdown : 20000 points!
Points for scoring a touchdown :
Against HS : 5000 points
Against College : 6000 points
Against Pro : 7000 points
Against Super : 8000 points
* Don't pass if the line of the pass will take the ball anywhere near a free-running defender.
* At the kickoff, you should aim to get to at least the opponents' 40 yard line, if not further. Use your rear defenders on the run up the field!
* When making a play, look carefully at the your opponent's deployment. Are they all over the right hand side? Then wait till your runner is over the left, get the ball back to the quarterback and pass straight to the running back. Then leg it straight up the left hand side. When doing this, on either side, keep as close to the edge of the pitch as possible. If you're going to get tackled, quickly dodge off the field to end the play.
* You can also send the running back up the field, and run around with the quarterback until there's a pass available. In the arcade, I used to send the running back way up the right to the very top of the screen, and then run back and left with the quarterback as quickly as possible, doing a huge cross-field throw at the last second. The opponents would get sort of 'caught in the scroll' as the ball went diagonally across and most times the running back would be away with no one anywhere near him.
* You can also run the quarterback straight through the pack - this is only sensible when you're at the 5 yard line or so.
* Down the ball as soon as you make 10 yards if you have any time left. This is because you can make 10 yards in 15 seconds and get 10 seconds back for a net loss of 5 seconds. It takes 30 seconds to make 20 yards and doing it in 1 play will get a net loss of 20 seconds (30 - 10), but doing it in 2 will only lose 10 seconds because you get 2 10 second bonuses (30 - 10 - 10). Once the clock runs out in mid-play just go as far as you can and hope it's enough to get more time.
* Learn the defense formations. Once you find the correct pass route for a particular formation it will work consistently.
* If you see a hard formation and you are short on time, your best move may be throwing an interception and hoping for an easier formation. This works best when you have 7 to 10 seconds left and don't think you can make ten yards or get downed before time runs out. Don't try it with less than 7 seconds though. 6 :xx probably won't be enough time.
* Run to the right during 'first contact' after the kickoff. There is an extra computer guy waiting on the left side. The best way to use the top blockers is to let the middle blocker connect, move straight right until the top right blocker connects, then head up again.
* You can do a forward pass after a lateral. This will cut through a few formations that are hard passing from the quarterback position. If you time it well a diagonal pass left (right running back to a left receiver) can miss an active middle defender.
* If you run the ball, use the receiver to block for you. The game doesn't have 'pass interference' calls so you have to be careful not to do this by accident.
* Consoles :
Nintendo Famicom (1985)
Sega Saturn (1996, 'Irem Arcade Classics')
Sony PlayStation (1996, 'Irem Arcade Classics')
* Computers :
MSX (1986)
Game's rom.
Machine's picture.